Commissioner's Corner
the Commissioner
Hinkle, Regional Commissioner
As the volunteer Regional Commissioner for Region 28, my duties and responsibilities provide for managing the day to day business of the region. Many of the requirements of AYSO are the direct responsibility of board members, so I work closely with the many volunteers and the board members to ensure compliance with AYSO operating regulations and to maintain the regional programs and growth.
There are many ways that the region’s parents, players and other participants can contact me: in person at one of the many regional activities conducted at Alamitos Intermediate School by appointment or by phone at (714) 821-9802.
The following is a partial listing of items that I am ultimately responsible for as commissioner:
1. comply in spirit and letter with the objectives of the organization;A complete listing of Volunteer Position Descriptions and Standard Regional
Guidelines may be obtained from the American Youth Soccer Organization, National Support and Training Center at 1-800-USA-AYSO.Region 28 materials may be obtained from Region 28 board members. Regularly scheduled board meetings occur the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Evans Elementary School. Appointments are recommended to reserve a period of time and because time and location of the board meetings are subject to change."